9:22 PM
2:15 PM
2:15 PMSooooo, guess what! I had to change my wedding date...again! Its for the best actually! I will be a May bride! Apparently the Salt Lake Te...
Sooooo, guess what! I had to change my wedding date...again! Its for the best actually! I will be a May bride! Apparently the Salt Lake Temple will be closed for almost 4 months! YIKES! I originally intended to be wed in May, in the end it worked out. Graham is so amazing. He, helped me change everything around in literally 15 minutes! Imagine that, changing your whole wedding date in 15 minutes?
We are bombarded with boxes everyday, I am almost tempted to invite the UPS man to the wedding considering he knows every little detail about my wedding based on the boxes alone! Any who, there are our NEW "save the dates":
We are bombarded with boxes everyday, I am almost tempted to invite the UPS man to the wedding considering he knows every little detail about my wedding based on the boxes alone! Any who, there are our NEW "save the dates":
They are soooooooo pretty! I am actually glad I never placed the order for the original save the dates. That would have been messy. So as you can tell, my colors are eggplant and sandalwood!
Ta ta!
Crissy. (: